Wednesday, February 3

Balboa Park, San Diego, CA

San Diego
We were told by native Californians that this was a terrible time of year to visit San Diego because of the "June Gloom".  A time of the year when skies can be overcast and temperatures are cooler.  Coming from Austin where it was 107 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade, the idea that it might not be as sunny and hot as some people where looking forward to did not bother me one bit.  The above "gloomy" picture was taken at an "awful" 71 degrees.

Balboa Park
Jacaranda mimosifolia is the purple tree you see all over San Diego this time of year (June).

Balboa Park
The Jacaranda (Purple) and the Bougainvillea (Pink) seen here in the Spanish Village (within Balboa park) are both supposedly hardy to about 19 degrees Fahrenheit.  The Bougainvillea often comes back from the roots at even colder temperatures.  Maybe with global warming we'll start seeing these in Austin! 

Balboa Park
"LOOK OUT!"  There is a green monster behind you!  I can testify I have been grabbed by a few of these in the past.  Interesting how the trunk of the cactus just looks like a normal tree (after about 80 years).

Balboa Park
Ferocactus pilosus aka Ferocactus stainesii at my feet and aloe (ferox?) behind as to the others I have lost track of the names but I like the candelabra shape.

Balboa Park
Crassula coccinea 'campfire' hardy to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit.  I may end up trying this in my garden just too much color to ignore when it may survive with a timely placed blanket a few days a year.

Many of the aloes were blooming along with Dyckias (right) and Agaves (center).

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