Saturday, March 30

Cactus Bed Ready to be Filled

Fireplace all done and enough room for roasting three little piggy's.

Possibly my favorite Texas Native - Claret Cup (Echinocereus triglochidiatus).

This incredible 10 foot Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) was the largest one I had ever seen for sale and it came planted in a huge 30+ gallon pot.  My excitement diminished considerably when I got it home and discovered that it came without roots, reluctantly I agreed to give it a try with an option to return it in 6 months if no new leaves appeared.

My children helped raise money for an orphanage in Peru that was being supported by our church by growing plants and selling them in a neighborhood garage sale.  I have to say I was impressed with their final total $400 dollars.

Friday, March 22

Desert Inspiration in Fort Davis

Trip to Fort Davis State Park

Another Monarch chrysalis opening, spreading its wings and heading North before we leave for Spring Break.  Your welcome if you live up that way, I saved this one from a late frost for your enjoyment.

Overlooking the Chihuahuan landscape.

This giant Claret Cup cactus (Echinocereus triglochidiatus) on top of the "mountain" was 3.5 feet in diameter and days away from full bloom, sorry to have missed it.

Cactus, cactus everywhere some more beautiful than others