Friday, February 2

Winter Blooms

ALOINANTHUS - (Aizoaceae)  A newly created 'Genus' containing complex hybrids between the South African species of Aloinopsis and Nananthus.

Aloinanthus 'Opera Mauve' - Charming, but not reliably hardy in Austin, Texas, the cold is no problem but an extremely hot humid summer with rain will make them ill.

Stenocactus multicostatus 'Zacatecasensis'


  1. Wow! Those blooms are gorgeous. Where on earth do you garden that you have such color in February. And the aloinanthus. It has such interesting foliage. Please share where you found it. I would love one even if I had to keep it inside.

  2. I garden in Austin, Texas, but this plant came from Colorado while I was visiting my family there. I believe you can still purchase this variety online at (Sorry for the slow reply, I just realized some of my pages had comments).
